- Neverwinter nights 2 mods warlock class install#
- Neverwinter nights 2 mods warlock class full#
Eldritch Theurge: The Area of Effect spells with a Cone shape have been changed to Sphere AOE spells when used in the Spellblast feat (the spells themselves have not changed, unless specifically mentioned) because Cones cannot originate from a spot other then the caster.Improved flanking has been replaced with Opportunist and finally Lucky has been implemented as the halfling racial Lucky, so a passive +1 saves. Swashbuckler: Acrobatic Charge has been replaced with the Dash feat, Acrobatic Mastery has been replaced with Skill Focus: Tumble.The spell power and bonus feats have also been implemented, but Augmented Casting and Expanded Spell Knowledge were not possible to implement at this time.
Neverwinter nights 2 mods warlock class full#
I chose to give full spellcasting progression, but the spontanious requirement has been upped to level 2 so you can't achieve level 9 spells with either spellcasting class, which you also can't in PnP. Because of engine limitations, it's not possible to get seperate spellcasting progression for both classes, so it's either full progression for both or limited for both.
Ultimate Magus: Spontanious arcane spellcasting has been set to level 4. Mystic Theurge: I changed the arcane spell level requirement to level It makes the class more playable with sorcerers, since they have more sorcerer levels to pick in between MT levels. You can only pick warlock spells at warlock levelups. The Eldritch Theurge also suffers from this. The Ultimate Magus also suffers from this limitation, but since both bard and sorcerer come before the wizard, the wizard is the one who won't get to pick new spells, which isn't a problem since he can memorise scrolls anyway. The bard doesn't have this problem, the bard comes becore the cleric/druid, so he's the one who gets to pick spells. The game does give you spellcasting progression and it will remember the spells you should have, so as soon as you pick a sorcerer level, you will get to pick all the spells you missed. This means that a sorcerer will have to pick a sorcerer level in between MT levelups or edit in the spells using a GFF editor or TLK edit. This means that a Mystic Theurge will not get to pick new spells on MT levels, because the engine only looks to the cleric/druid to see if new spells are needed and skips the wizard/sorc. The engine is limited and only looks for the first class if it needs new spells. Thus, I really don't give a shit about that anymore.Note: It is impossible for dual spellcasting classes to choose spells known for both classes. They slowed the blog down, hid my content, and basically it's a lot of work for fuck-all gain. I experimented with "current gen" layouts and didn't like them. Most other NWN blogs use the same basic layout, not many people have complained about it, and the blog is almost as popular as crpgaddict (who uses a similar layout, has been blogging for twice as long and has four times as many write-ups). It's a basic blog layout that people should be familiar with. That said, it could certainly be taken as an implicit recommendation so I've edited the write-up to explicity recommend against installing into Program Files.Īs for the blog's layout, I don't see what the problem is.
Neverwinter nights 2 mods warlock class install#
I never explicity recommended to install NWN2 in Program Files I only used Program Files as an example because that's what NWN2 defaults to. Pseudonymous: Here are two pro-tips for you: Stop telling people to install old games in program files and change the template of your blog to something that is less cancer inducing.